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Week 2 Discussion (Matt)

2022-10-07 | Week 2 | by Matt Wang

Matt here! This note exists to supplement the material from the Week 2 discussion, where Matt ran out of time to go through all the material. It’s not strictly necessary to review (since we did finish ADTs), but is helpful for studying, etc.!

Link to slides

Table of Contents

Answering Open Questions

Restricting Binding Scope

Someone in discussion asked how we’d restrict the binding scope of a variable to just one line. This is a great question!

The motivating thought was: in this problem, other_occurrences is bound to all of the function body of count_occurences.

--- other stuff...
count_occurrences [] _ = 1
count_occurrences _ [] = 0
count_occurrences (x:xs) (y:ys)
  | x == y = count_occurrences xs ys + other_occurrences
  | otherwise = other_occurrences
  where other_occurrences = count_occurrences (x:xs) ys

How would we restrict a where clause to bind just to one line, like one of the guards?

There are two tl;dr answers:

  1. Syntactically, where isn’t an expression, so you can’t put it everywhere!
  2. We can use let ... in to bind locally, since it’s an expression; simply wrap your line with the bind.

Here’s an equivalent (if ugly) function that only binds within a guard:

--- other stuff...
count_occurrences [] _ = 1
count_occurrences _ [] = 0
count_occurrences (x:xs) (y:ys)
  | x == y = let other_occurrences = count_occurrences (x:xs) ys in count_occurrences xs ys + other_occurrences
  -- in theory, if we added `| x > y` or another condition here, it wouldn't have `other_occurrences`!
  | otherwise = let other_occurrences = count_occurrences (x:xs) ys in other_occurrences

I was hesitant to answer this question live since I wasn’t sure what Haskell’s shadowing semantics are (see below). But, hopefully this now clearly answers the question!

On Shadowing and Scope

This is more context - it’s not necessary to understand the question at hand!

For context, variable shadowing occurs when you re-use a variable name in a tighter scope.

In Python and JavaScript, shadowing occurs naturally with nested functions and blocks respectively. Let’s look at some examples (from the Wikipedia page).


x = 0
def outer():
  x = 1
  def inner():
    x = 2
    print("inner:", x)
  print("outer:", x)
print("global:", x)
# prints
#   inner: 2
#   outer: 1
#   global: 0

JS (our language of the week!):

function myFunc() {
  let my_var = 'test';
  if (true) {
    let my_var = 'new test';
// prints
//   new test
//   test

Haskell also supports shadowing!

-- this compiles!
parent x = map (\x -> 2*x) x

-- breaking it down
parent x =
  map           -- here, x is the parent input
    (\x -> 2*x) -- here, and only here, x is the name of the lambda input
    x           -- here, x goes back to being the parent input value

What helped me here is understanding the syntactic sugar around function parameters, and then having a mental rule of “every time a lambda is defined, you can shadow / re-bind with no problems”:

parent x = map (\x -> 2*x) x
-- is identical to
parent = (\x -> map (\x -> 2*x) x)

Whether or not a language supports shadowing could change the answer to the overall question. Now you know!

Space Complexity of Reversing a List

I had to think about this one for a bit - I’m not actually sure if there’s a 100% correct answer.

tl;dr: in neither solution are we ever allocating a new persistent item, so both solutions are probably constant in space.

I was a little rusty on space complexity. Someone asked, what is the space complexity of these two list-reversers for a list of size n?

Reasoning about space and laziness in Haskell is notoriously hard, so let’s buckle up and make some assumptions.

Naive Solution (hard)

The O(n^2) time complexity solution:

reverse' :: [a] -> [a]
reverse' []     = []
reverse' (x:xs) = reverse' xs ++ [x]

The only case we really need to look at is the recursive one. Assuming the singly-linked-list model, note that:

  • splitting x:xs is constant space - nothing is allocated
  • reverse' xs has no allocations; xs already exists, it’s the tail of the input

But, I’ll note that ++ [x] is the tricky one! Let’s take a quick example to illustrate why it behaves strangely.

-- each line is one step of the recursive algorithm
reverse' [1,2,3]
  = reverse' (1: [2,3])
  = reverse' [2,3] ++ [1]
  = reverse' (2: [3]) ++ [1]
  = reverse' [3] ++ [2] ++ [1]
  = reverse' (3: []) ++ [2] ++ [1]
  = reverse' [] ++ [3] ++ [2] ++ [1]
  = [] ++ [3] ++ [2] ++ [1]
  = [3] ++ [2] ++ [1]
  = [3,2] ++ [1]
  = [3,2,1]

Now, there’s a tension:

  • on one hand, we have a line like [3] ++ [2] ++ [1]. This should be an immediate giveaway that we have O(n) space complexity, since we’re allocating a new list for each item in the list, and they all could exist at once.
  • on the other hand, Haskell is lazy. We may only initialize each list as we actually apply the append, and so we’d only ever be floating one additional list - O(1) space complexity.

The GHC implementation of Haskell has something called a “strictness analyzer” that chooses when to be strict and when to be lazy. I am not an expert in how it works; however, my assumption is that this case is trivial enough that it can be optimized away properly (i.e., unboxing the singleton list for appending, and unboxing Integer). So, my guess is that it’s O(1), but I’m not actually sure!

Linear Solution (easy)

Now, let’s look at the O(n) time complexity solution:

reverse l =  rev l []
    rev []     a = a
    rev (x:xs) a = rev xs (x:a)

Again, we really only care about the recursive case. Assuming the singly-linked-list model, note that:

  • splitting x:xs is still constant space - nothing is allocated
  • rev xs is still constant space
  • (x:a) also has no allocations: we’re simply shuffling a pointer (since a is already initialized)
    • even if it was an allocation, because rev is tail-recursive, the stack gets dropped on the recursive step, so it would get cleaned up almost immediately

Similar to the other solution, there is no allocation - so the space complexity is also O(1).

Week 2 Problems

Concept: foldl and foldr

Instead of writing a long essay, I’ll refer you to the Learn You A Haskell page on fold!

map + filter problem

This problem checks your understanding of map, filter, and lambdas. It warms you up for the map and filter questions in HW2!

Test time estimate: ~ 2 minutes for you to implement it.

Problem Setup

Write a function with the following type signature that returns only the squares of the even numbers in the input array.

mf :: [Integer] -> [Integer]

Trying it Yourself

Try this one yourself first :)

Questions to ponder:

  • please use map and filter - I promise it makes your life easier!
  • which one should come first? does it matter?

The Answer:

mf :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
mf l = map
  (\x -> x*x)
  (filter (\x -> (mod x 2) == 0) l)

Here, we:

  1. first, filter the list to only get even numbers
  2. then, square each element in the list

I also want to highlight that we can use x as the variable name in both lambdas - this is because they’re scoped to just the lambda, and not the entire function!

Interestingly, swapping the order also works - this is because the square of odd numbers is odd, while the square of even numbers is even. It is slightly less efficient.

mf :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
mf l = filter
  (\x -> (mod x 2) == 0)
  (map (\x -> x*x) l)

tree sum

This next problem checks your understanding on basic ADTs. It also warms you up for the HW 2 questions on trees and ADTs!

Test time estimate: ~ 5 minutes for you to implement it.

Problem Setup

Assume you have the following ADT representing a tree of integers:

data Tree = Empty | Node Integer [Tree]

We want to define a function, tsum, that returns the sum of the values of all nodes in the tree.

First: let’s define the type signature!

data Tree = Empty | Node Integer [Tree]

tsum :: Tree -> Integer

An example of the behavior we’re looking for:

tsum (Node 3 [
  (Node 2 [Node 7 []]),
  (Node 5 [Node 4 []])
-- should return: 3 + 2 + 7 + 5 + 4 = 21

Trying it Yourself

I suggest you try making your own solution first! Some things to think about:

  • how many children can a node have?
  • how do we represent an empty tree? what about a tree with just one node?
  • what’s the base case(s)
  • can we implement a linear (in children) recursive step?

The Answer

First, let’s define the trivial base case, which also represents an empty tree - the sum should (vacuously) be zero!

data Tree = Empty | Node Integer [Tree]

tsum :: Tree -> Integer
tsum Empty = 0

Note that the above is not a leaf node, since there’s no value.

Now, let’s consider an alternate base case - a tree with just one node in it. More broadly, this is any leaf node. Here, the sum is the value of the node.

data Tree = Empty | Node Integer [Tree]

tsum :: Tree -> Integer
tsum Empty = 0
tsum (Node val []) = val

I argue that this resolves our two base cases. Now, all we need to do is handle our recursive step. Using what we’ve talked about earlier today - map comes in helpful!

data Tree = Empty | Node Integer [Tree]

tsum :: Tree -> Integer
tsum Empty = 0
tsum (Node val []) = val
tsum (Node val lst) = val + sum (map tsum lst)

Node that this gives us our desired functionality:

ghci> data Tree = Empty | Node Integer [Tree]
ghci> :{
ghci| tsum :: Tree -> Integer
ghci| tsum Empty = 0
ghci| tsum (Node val []) = val
ghci| tsum (Node val lst) = val + sum (map tsum lst)
ghci| :}
ghci> :{
ghci| tsum (Node 3 [
ghci|   (Node 2 [Node 7 []]),
ghci|   (Node 5 [Node 4 []])
ghci| ])
ghci| :}


  1. Let’s say we now only want to sum the leaf nodes. I argue that we only need to change a handful of characters in our solution. How would we do that?
  2. Pedagogically, the line tsum (Node val []) = val is helpful since it’s a good base case to start with. Is it strictly necessary? Why or why not?