Lecture 19

2023-06-07 | Week 10 | edited by Ashwin Ranade

(originally written 2022-11-30 by Ashwin Ranade)

Ashwin here! This lecture covers Logic Palooza slides 18 - 44.

Table of Contents


As we saw, during the Resolution process, Prolog repeatedly Compares the current goal with each fact/rule to see if they are a match.

If a goal and a fact/rule match, Prolog extracts mappings between variables and atoms (e.g., X->bob).

Together, these two steps (comparison + mapping) between a single goal and a single fact/rule are called unification.

Unification pseudocode:

def unify(goal, fact_or_rule, existing_mappings):
   if the goal with the existing mappings matches the current fact/rule:
      mappings = extract variable mappings between goal and fact/rule
      return (True, mappings)	 # We did unify! Return discovered mappings
      return (False, {})   	# We couldn't unify! So no mappings found
  • The unification algorithm runs on one goal at a time.
  • Unification runs on a single fact or rule at a time.

Matching a Goal and a Fact/Rule

So how do we determine if a goal with the current mappings matches a specific fact/rule?

  1. apply all current mappings to the goal
  2. treat both the mapped goal and head of the fact/rule as trees
  3. Compare each node of the goal tree with the corresponding node in the fact/rule tree

Use the following comparison rules:

  • If both nodes are functors, then make sure the functors are the same and have the same number of children.
  • If both nodes hold atoms, make sure the atoms are the same.
  • If a goal node holds an unmapped variable it will match ANY item in the corresponding node of the fact/rule.
  • If a fact/rule node holds an unmapped variable it will match ANY item in the corresponding node of the goal.

Note: The animations do a really good job of explaining this – they are slides 20-21 of the Prolog lecture. I’ll do my best, but it’s hard to transcribe into text.

Unification: Do They Match

Follow the rules above. Many examples are on ~slides 20-30 of the Prolog presentation; they’re hard to transcribe into text.

Here’s one example:

Assuming we have the mapping {What->ucla}, and we are trying to match (1) likes(gene, What) with (2) likes(Y,X). These DO MATCH.

  • we replace What with ucla, so the children of the likes node for (1) becomes gene and ucla.
  • This matches the children nodes for (2), since they both hold unmapped variables [Y and X respectively]

Unification: Extracting Variable Mappings

Once we know that a goal matches a fact/rule, we need to extract the variable mappings.


  • Iterate through each corresponding pair of nodes in both trees.
  • Any time you find an unmapped Variable in either tree that maps to an atom/number in the other tree, create a mapping between the variable and the atom.
  • Any time you find an unmapped Variable in either tree that maps to an unmapped Variable in the other tree, create a bidirectional mapping between the variables.

Unification: Summary

Unification is the process of:

  • comparing a single goal with a single fact/rule, given the current set of mappings
  • determining if the goal and the fact/rule match
  • If so, extracting all new mappings between variables and atoms on either side.

Unification is used within the broader Resolution algorithm that we traced through.

Resolution Continued

Here’s a simplified version of the Resolution algorithm, showing where Unification fits in.

def resolution(database, goals, cur_mappings):
  if there are no goals left:
    tell the user we found a solution and output our discovered mappings!
  for each fact/rule z in the database:
    success, new_mappings = unify(goals[0], fact_or_rule, cur_mappings)
    if success:
      tmp_mappings = cur_mappings + new_mappings
      tmp_goals = sub_goals(z) + goals[1:]
      resolution(database, tmp_goals, tmp_mappings)    # recursion
  # if we get here, we didn't find a match... BACKTRACK and keep trying!

The Resolution algorithm is initially called with the user’s query as its only goal, and with no initial mappings.

# Determine if ann the grandparent of cas?
resolution(database, "gparent(ann, cas)", { })

Prolog Lists

Lists in Prolog are just like lists in Haskell or Python.

Lists can contain numbers, atoms, or other lists.

[ ]
[silly, goofy, gleeful]
[1, 2, [dog, cat], 3.5]
  • Prolog uses a combination of pattern matching (like Haskell) and unification to process lists.
  • List processing is also done with facts and rules, just like other inference tasks.

Firstly, here’s a Prolog fact with variables inside of atoms.


is_the_same(lit,lit) --> returns true
is_the_same(ucla,usc) --> returns false

Now, time for some Prolog lists!

Example 1

is_head_item(X,[X | XS]).

This [X | XS] syntax is Prolog’s equivalent of pattern matching, just like (x:xs) in Haskell.

X matches the first item of the list. XS matches the rest of the list.

is_head_item(lit, [lit, dank, snack]) --> returns true
is_head_item(drip, [lit,dank,snack]) --> returns false

Explanation: Prolog is unifying from left-to-right and mapping each variable.

  • Once it extracts a mapping, it only “unifies” the query if later uses of the mapping are consistent with the first.

We can also do:

Example 2

is_second_item(Y, [X, Y | XS]).

[X, Y | XS] equivalent of (x:y:xs) in Haskell.

X matches the first item of the list. Y matches the second item of the list. XS matches the rest of the list.

is_head_item(dank, [lit, dank, snack]) --> returns true
is_head_item(lit, [lit,dank,snack]) --> returns false

Example 3: Checking if a list contains a value

is_member(Y,[Head|Tail]) :- is_member(Y,Tail). 

If we query is_member(dank,[lit,dank,snack]):

  • we first try and match the first fact, but it’s false
  • so we match on the second rule, which turns out to unify, so we return True!

Example 4: Deleting an atom from a list

The general form will be: delete(ItemToDelete, ListToDeleteFrom, ResultingList)

A query could look like this: delete(carey, [paul, carey, david], X) –> X = [paul, david]

delete(Item, [Item | Tail], Tail).  
delete(Item_, [Head_ | Tail_], [Head_ | FinalTail])  :-  delete(Item_, Tail_, FinalTail).

The first line is like we saw earlier – it handles the base case.

  • The base case handles the situation where the first item in the list is the one we want to delete, e.g.: delete(carey, [carey, david, paul], X)

The second line handles the case where the item we want to delete ISN’T the first item, e.g.: delete(david, [carey, david, paul], X)

  • Our rule uses pattern matching to break up the input list into the Head item and all Tail items.
  • the subgoal: “Use delete to remove the Item from amongst the Tail items; FinalTail refers to the resulting tail”
  • In this case, we construct our output list by concatenating the Head item from our original list with the tail of the list with the Item removed from it.

Prolog List Processing: Built-in Facts and Rules


Determines if list X concatenated with list Y is equal to list Z
append([1,2],[3,4],[1,2,3,4]) yields True
append([1,2],X,[1,2,3,4]) yields X -> [3,4]


Determines if the elements in Y are the same elements of X, but in sorted order
sort([4,3,1], [1,3,4]) yields True
sort([4,3,1],X) yields X -> [1,3,4]


Determines if the elements in Y are the same elements of X, but in a different ordering

permutation([4,3,1], [3,1,4]) yields True


Determines if list X is the reverse of list Y

reverse([1,2,3],[3,2,1]) yields True
reverse([1,2,3],X) yields X -> [3,2,1]


Determines if X is a member of the list Y

member(6, [1,6,4]) yields True
member(X,[1,6,4]) yields X -> 1, X -> 6, and X -> 4


Determines if the sum of all elements in X add up to Y
sum_list([4,3,1], 8) yields True
sum_list([4,3,1], Q) yields Q -> 8

Prolog List Syntax is Syntactic Sugar For Functors and Atoms!

Notice that when you remove the syntactic sugar, list processing is implemented just like any other Prolog fact or rule!

  • And while we didn’t see an example in the slides, the empty list [ ] can similarly be written as the atom nil.
The  | operator (as in [X | Tail]) can be replaced with a fact named "cons" that takes two arguments.
- [X|Tail] --> cons(X,Tail)`

original facts/rules:

is_member(X, [X | Tail]).
is_member(Y, [Head | Tail]) :- is_member(Y, Tail).


is_member(X, cons(X,  Tail)).
is_member(Y, cons(Head, Tail)) :- is_member(Y, Tail).